Lindemans Pecheresse

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Customer ratings for Lindemans Pecheresse

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
de 10
from on 22/07/2019
sabe a melocotón y es dulce y suave. La probé por primera vez hace ya unos 13 años y desde entonces la pido siempre que voy a cervecerias

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.


Product Note Status Price
Posavasos Madera Lindemans Posavasos Madera Lindemans
6.61 € *
Lindemans Kriek Wetstop Bar Runner Lindemans Kriek Wetstop Bar Runner
6.50 € * Notify on availability
Lindemans Lambic Glass Lindemans Lambic Glass
6.85 € *

Prices include VAT

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