Special Beers

Special Beers

In this place you will find these beers that are difficult to set in a specific category because are special beers made with complex recipes normally accompanied with touchs of very particular ingredients.

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31 - 60 of 67 results

Kasteelbier Barista , the aromas and the flavours of caramel, cacao and roast malt match seamlessly with the ‘black gold’ and chocolate

2.94 *

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Mc Chouffe

2.96 *

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The new Duvel tripel hop Citra

2.93 *

Currently unavailable

Kasteel Donker

2.86 *

Currently unavailable

Gulden Draak 9000

2.78 *

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The beer of the pink elephants. Madness and delirium mixed in the creation of Delirium Tremens which have been obtaining medals since 1997.

3.20 *

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Omer Clear gold colour, almost like a lager. High carbonation, excellent lasting foam.

Old price 2.25 €
2.66 *

Currently unavailable

Scotch de Silly is a beer aged in oak barrels, a marvel emerging from the depths and masterpiece of scotch ale art.

2.27 *

Currently unavailable

Moinette blonde: Coppery blonde with many aromas of fine hops, the "blonde Moinette" is a very refreshing beer, thanks to its subtle balance between sweet, bitter and fruity.

2.55 *

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Noir de Dottignies from Browerij De Ranke, Noir de Dottignies is a dark Strong Ale with a slightly sweet taste of malts, hops and nuts

2.45 *

Currently unavailable

Moinette Brune:Result of the mixture of 4 special malts, hop aroma and fruity touch

2.55 *

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Corsendonk Rousse is a Belgian Strong Ale full body a bit to sweet versus bitterness. Dried fruits, yeast, some spices, brown sugar and toffee in the flavor.

2.30 *

Currently unavailable

Waterloo Triple

2.86 *

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Waterloo Double 8 Strong Dark


2.86 *

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Chouffe Soleil

2.20 *

Currently unavailable

The Bons Vœux is a blond top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle. Since 1970, the brewery has been brewing a special beer to give as a new years present to their best clients. 

6.11 *

Currently unavailable

La Chouffe Houblon

2.77 *

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Liefmans Goudenband Infinitely complex in aroma and flavor with notes of maltiness and tartness throughout. An unsurpassed old brown with the richness and complexity of a vintage wine.       

14.22 *

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Satan Red es  una cerveza de aroma ahumado y toques afrutados con ligero toque de lúpulo.

2.61 *

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Ondineke Triple 75 CL By Glazen Toren Ondineke Oilsjtersen Tripel is an excellent traditional Belgian tripel made with a double portion of Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops from the Aalst region.

7.92 *

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Kwaremont Blonde

2.33 *

Currently unavailable

Lupulus Blonde is a tripel blonde beer fermented in the bottle.

5.15 *

Currently unavailable

Fue creada en 1933 por Alfred Dubuisson, abuelo de la actual fabricante, Hugues. Bush scaldis es una Strong Ale.

3.06 *

Currently unavailable

Delirium Nocturnum

3.20 *

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Kasteelbier Rouge

2.69 *

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Arabier: Arabier: brewed in Esen by De Dolle Brouwers is a pure malt beer with an alcohol content of eight percent.

3.32 *

Currently unavailable


Elaborada con agua de pozo extremadamente pura lleva un toque de miel natural para dar un equilibrio entre la frescura y la acidez. 

Medalla de plata en el European Beer Star 2010 en la categoría Specialty Honey Beer.


3.58 *

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Barbar es una cerveza elaborada con agua de pozo extremadamente pura lleva un toque de miel natural para dar un equilibrio entre la frescura y la acidez. 

2.49 *

Currently unavailable

Cuvee Angelique

7.80 *

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Lupulus Hibernatus

7.25 *

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Prices include VAT

31 - 60 of 67 results